Page 5 - SunwingWeddings-MediaKit
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Digital flipbook with video is distributed to over 1,700,000 Sunwing email subscribers. Also distributed to over 8000 Travel Industry members and trade insiders. The flipbook resides
on which has millions of visits per month. Content will be also be featured on our Sunwing Weddings blog. Over 10,000 copies of Wedding Vacations by Sunwing magazine are distributed, at wedding shows.
Generate awareness by getting partners and editorial content in front of Sunwing Vacations and Sunwing Weddings’ social media audience.
Sunwing Vacations
Facebook - @sunwingvacations Followers: 240.K
Instagram - @SunwingVacations Followers: 56.8K
Twitter - @SunwingVacay Followers: 30.3K
Pinterest - @SunwingVacations Viewers: 72.9K
Sunwing Weddings
Facebook - @SunwingWeddings Followers: 14,600K
Instagram - @sunwingweddings Followers: 8,541K
Twitter - @SunwingWeddings Followers: 315
Pinterest - @sunwingweddings Viewers: 359
1,700,000 email database
    Tourism Board Partners

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