Page 219 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 219

3. Require all teachers to have targeted annual professional development plans
that are directly linked to their schools’ improvement plans.
Currently, every teacher is required to have an annual professional development plan. The Commission feels that these annual professional development plans would be strengthened by:
• Focusing the plans on ways of continuously improving the teacher’s knowledge, skills and attributes.
• Linking the plan to ongoing evaluation of a teacher’s performance.
• Linking the plans to overall school and school system improvement plans In addition, school principals should be able to identify areas where teachers should undertake fur- ther professional development in order to improve and expand their skills.
All school administrative teams have been directed to have teaching staff include ICT outcomes in their long-range plans. The documentation of the ICT outcomes will assist the school administration in monitoring and adjusting the ICT scope and sequence for their school. This information is also important in determining the appropriate ICT pro- fessional development for the staff at a given school.
The district ICT Database will be developing electronic reports that will assist teachers and administration in sharing, monitoring and developing appropriate ICT integration opportunities.

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