Page 237 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 237

Grade 10 CTS Scope and Sequence Grade 11 CTS Scope and Sequence
The following two diagrams provide an overview of a typical CTS scope and sequence. Considering the cost of computer and network equipment, the CTS program requires a clear progression based on the curriculum, software, hard- ware and the teaching staff providing the instruction.
Recommendations for CTS Computer Programs:
A full time CTS computer instructor is required to coordinate re- source development, scope and sequence and credit tracking. The program requires ownership and vision not unlike the band or tech ed programs.
Clearly communicating the CTS module progression to students and staff.
Creating flexible student scheduling to optimize the computer CTS credit completion.
Monitoring computer CTS credit completion to evaluate the cost of maintaining the CTS computer program.
Quality coordinated CTS instruction will improve ICT instruction for all staff members in the school since all the students are receiv- ing the same foundation for computer operations in the school.
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