Page 6 - LeaderShift 2020: Chapter One -Who Really Needs Another Leadership Book!
P. 6

LeaderShift 2020
At the present time, education is very much data driven. It’s driven by compliance and accountability for all. As a result, we know what students are learning, we know how teachers are teaching, and we know current demographic trends. There’s lots of data out there, but the difference between having data and being able to use it effectively is a big challenge. As Rick Dufour contends, we suffer from “DRIP”: we’re data rich, but information poor. Why? Let us try to explain why this is the case by telling you a little story.
One morning, a mother goes downstairs to the basement bedroom. She opens the door and sees a large lump of covers on the bed and says, “Jane, it's time to get up!”
A sigh comes from under the covers.
“Jane, it's time for school!”
From under the covers, Jane says, “I’m not going!”
“Why not?” says the mother.
“The kids don't like me, the teachers don't like me, and nobody listens to what I say. I'm not going!”
“Jane, you have to go to school!”
“Because you're fifty-six years old, and you're the principal.”
LeaderShift 2020

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