Page 116 - Lakeland Catholic Technology Plan
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Appendix A: Alberta Learning Technology Developments Update, March 2000
Appendix B: Implementation Strategies for the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Program of Studies
March 2000
2. Policy and Planning
Business Planning
The School Technology Task Group (STTG) provides input into the Alberta Learning business plan- ning and reporting process in the area of technology implementation. It also provides advice and support to school jurisdictions for their business plans relating to technology.
Key Contact: Peter Darby: phone (780) 427–0174; e-mail
School Technology Advisory Council
In September 1997, STTG formed the School Technology Advisory Council (STAC) to provide a mechanism for addressing common issues facing school jurisdictions and the department. The Council, chaired by the Chair of the STTG, serves as a key means for facilitating discussion, identi- fying issues, establishing priorities and initiating joint projects aimed at the effective implementa- tion of technology in the K–12 education sector. Meetings are held quarterly, with subcommittees as required.
Key Contact: Peter Darby: phone (780) 427–0174; e-mail
Jurisdiction Technology Contact Liaison/Education Stakeholder Liaison
STTG plays a liaison role on the varied facets of technology implementation through key contacts in all school jurisdictions—Jurisdiction Technology Coordinators (JTCs). Communications take place through
semi-annual JTC face-to-face meetings and through ongoing electronic messaging. STTG also liaises with the Alberta Teachers' Association, Alberta School Boards Association, College of Al- berta School Superintendents, and Alberta Home and School Councils Association through vari- ous communication mechanisms, including presentations at meetings, conferences and work- shops. Key Contact: Peter Darby: phone (780) 427–0174; e-mail
Liaison with Federal ICT Initiatives
The department has numerous links with Industry Canada's SchoolNet, a program designed to "promote the effective use of information technology in learning and foster the development of em- ployability skills that young Canadians need to compete in the knowledge-based economy." Sev- eral of
SchoolNet's initiatives in Alberta are coordinated through STTG, including the following:
• SchoolNet Advisory Board (SNAB) Working Groups on Connectivity, Professional
Development, Social Issues and Community Involvement, Research and
Measurement, Computers for Schools;
• GrassRoots, a program that provides funding to help teachers and students
create Internet-based collaborative learning projects (see TELUS Learning
Connection section of this document);
• SATIR, a web site designed to provide professional development for school-
based administrators across Canada (see School Administrators' Technology
Integration Resource section);
• Network of Innovative Schools, an program aimed at establishing a network
of schools across Canada, which demonstrate leadership in ICT implementation; • Computers for Schools, a program that distributes reconditioned surplus
computers to schools and public libraries (see Computers for Schools section);
• Network to Savings, a program that provides opportunities for schools to purchase
computer equipment, software and educational products at a discount;
• Community Access Program, a program that provides funding to help communities
connect to the Internet.; and
• Youth Employment Initiative, a program that provides funding to employ youth
in technology-related jobs for a specified period of time.
Key Contact: Peter Darby: phone (780) 427–0174; e-mail
Appendix A:
Developments Update, March 2000
Alberta Learning Technology
NOTE:For the most recent information about Alberta Learning Technology developments, contact Alberta Learning as about 3 - 5 updates are published per year.
For more information, go to 1. Background
In March 1996, then Minister of Education, the Honourable Halvar Jonson, released the Framework for Technology Integration in Education, which has been the basis for further long-term planning for technology integration in education. The report was the result of extensive consultations con- ducted by the MLA Implementation Team on Business Involvement and Technology Integration, chaired by Denis Herard, Calgary-Egmont and including Hung Pham, Calgary-Montrose.
The Implementation Plan for Technology in Education was released in November 1996 by then Min- ister of Education, the Honourable Gary G. Mar. The plan set the direction for the implementation and use of technology in Alberta’s education system and focused on the necessary areas of activ- ity for technology integration in schools: computers, infrastructure, teacher inservice, curriculum and resources, and the Internet. In November 1996, the department created the School Technol- ogy Task Group (STTG) with a mandate to provide overall direction and coordination for provincial technology initiatives relating to the Implementation Plan.
In Meeting the Challenge IV, Alberta Education’s Business Plan for 1997/1998 to 1999/2000, the integration of technology in education was identified as a new goal (Goal 5) and as a key area for improving Alberta’s education system. Technology integration also was to be addressed in school authority three-year education plans for 1997/1998 to 1999/2000. Technology integration contin- ued as a goal and an area for improvement in Alberta Education’s Business Plans for 1998/1999 to 2000/2001 and for 1999/2000 to 2001/2002 and in school authority three-year education plans. Technology integration continues to be identified in Alberta Learning's 2000/2001 to 2002/2003 business plan.