Page 8 - WCA July Ketch Pen 2020
P. 8
A Message From the WCW President
Kady Porterfield
An Excerpt from Progressive Cattlemen: Issue 6 - June 2020
RancHER: Kady Porterfield
Do what you can to help others feel empowered and that they can provide purpose in an organization in so many different ways.
Kady Porterfield is the current president of the Washington Cattle- Women organization. She grew up raising beef on her family’s cattle ranch. In her job as president, she works to encourage engagement between producers and consumers; organizes, facilitates five state- wide meetings every year; writes articles for the state beef associa- tion’s newsletter and attends various meetings and events across the state and nationally, partnering with county groups, the state beef commission and the American National CattleWomen.
How have your experiences working in your field influenced your growth, personally and professionally?
PORTERFIELD: This position has taught me so much as a vol- unteer leader. A big part of that is learning more about service and becoming the voice for a collective group of people. The travel, networking and experiences I’ve shared over my two terms as presi- dent have allowed me to expand my knowledge of the entire industry and also get to know more about our state and local cattle ranch-
ers. It’s also pushed me in the realm of communications, whether it be through writing articles, news and podcast interviews or social media. Being the voice of cattlewomen, I’ve had to devote a lot more time to stay up on industry issues, rather than rely on my parents to relay the information through daily ranch life.
Who has influenced you in your leadership role?
PORTERFIELD: My mother, hands down, has been my biggest influence throughout my life. Serving the CattleWomen is a special thing we share. She started me out at a young age by taking me to ev- ery event she could. I became familiar with the purpose of the orga- nization and grew an appreciation for all the hard work these women put in, not only at their ranches back home but also into building and running the many programs they created to support education about the beef industry. You gain so much from knowing other women across generations who share the same passion and vision you do, and knowing all those women helped shape me to becoming a leader.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
PORTERFIELD: My mother taught me to always show up and always follow through on your commitments. I’ve definitely seen the importance and difference it makes when choosing to be involved in activities or organizations. It makes the true leaders stand out from the rest.
Who are other female role models you look up to? Why?
been so blessed in my
life to know so many
ranch-working wom-
en, from grandmothers
to aunts, great friends
and fellow cattlewom-
en across the country.
Each one has a story,
and some of them are
truly inspiring. Knowing
these women and seeing
what they do motivates
me and reinforces my idea that I’m on the right path and in the right industry to keep doing what I truly love – raising beef.
What roadblocks have you run into, and how have you overcome them?
PORTERFIELD: Learning how to be on the offense rather than the defense when it comes to advocacy for beef and agriculture was an important transition. While advocacy is something I’m largely pas- sionate about, this was important to me to adapt to. By working with other industry groups like the state’s beef commission or listening to other advocates, I now trust where to look to for viable information to share and spin the positive, uplifting, productive messaging we need to be getting out to both fellow producers and our consumers.
What advice would you give to other women in your field?
PORTERFIELD: Do what you can to help others feel empow-
ered and that they can provide purpose in an organization in so many different ways. They don’t have to be exactly like you or other lead- ers to be involved and contribute to our industry. Everyone varies in skills or backgrounds – that’s what makes a volunteer organization stronger.
How do you balance your job with family and/or personal time?
PORTERFIELD: I try to balance very carefully and have learned to say “no” to some things. Volunteering is great, and it’s rewarding to be in a leadership position running an organization, but I’ve had to learn I can’t do all the wonderful things I want to do and still have time for family or hobbies.
Kady Porterfield, taken by Marty Stingley
8 KETCH PEN - July 2020