Page 10 - WCA Ketch Pen August 2020
P. 10

   from the WCW President
  Our summer meeting was held in Ellensburg and we had a great turnout. It was so great to see everyone after all the cancellations of meetings and events. Thank you to all who came! We had one of our Beef Ambassadors in attendance and she gave a short talk on what she hopes to achieve in her ambassadorship, her background in cattle, as well as what she hopes to accomplish in her college career. We presented her with her $500 scholarship and look forward to meeting the other ambassador at one of our next meetings.
Meeting discussion focused on new promotional items for CattleWomen and a new plan for a classroom-based beef promotional program. Committee Chairs are continuing to work on the items around new information sur- facing amidst COVID and other concerns, but hopes some things are ready to launch close to the New Year.
We will get back together at our fall meeting on September 14th
– Location TBD. Unfortunately, we will not be able to attend our beef promotion events this fall, but are making efforts towards making alternative plans to get together for our annual meeting, as we believe we will not be able to hold our normal convention come November. We are working alongside WCA in creating these plans.
Now is the time for counties to start preparing their nominations for Washington Cattlewoman of the Year. There will soon be a new and revamped application on our website under the “Get In- volved!” tab. Please give details on the involvement of your nomi- nee and list her contributions to our association and industry.
The ANCW Summer Business Meeting was cancelled in-person and moved to a virtual meeting, which will be held August 12-13. I’ll be in attendance to represent and be a voice for our state. Hope- fully we will here an overview of what’s to come for the Annual Convention upcoming in Nashville this winter.
Flashback to February 2020: Our third place award for increased membership in the ANCW MOOVE (Making Our Outstanding Value Evident) Contest. With this award we received a $300 Purina Gift Certificate to use how we choose.
 Our 2021 Region 5 Meeting will still be hosted in Pendleton, Oregon come next May, but Washington Cattle- Women will be co-hosting as to not miss our year to host. We look forward to working alongside Oregon for this event and adding a day to the meeting to be hosted in Walla Walla, WA. The meeting will be held at the same time as the Cattle Baron’s Weekend, so set your calendar!
 Ketch Pen
August 2020

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