Page 31 - November 2020 WCA Ketch Pen
P. 31

  Washington Ag in the Classroom promotes agricultural literacy and our projects reflect that purpose.
An agriculturally literate person understands and can communicate the source and value of agriculture as it affects our quality of life.
To say that 2020 has been a difficult year for educators is an understatement! Converting to an on-line learning platform to finish out last school year was challenging and then the summer spent in flux. Now public education started out the school year on-line but already in October is tweaking to include a hybrid model. We commend ALL the educators for their hard work and diligence as this has been beyond challenging. However, educators are resilient in finding various ways to be successful and thrive in this on-line environment.
Washington Ag in the Classroom (WAIC) has risen
to the challenge by offering as many resources on-line as we can including our fall issue of the magazine, a national on-line matrix full of lesson plans, expansion of on-line learning experiences, and providing resources for educators to utilize. We modified our fall mailing to the public education teachers in printed form and promoted the on- line version. Through our social media campaign, the fall issue received 3055 views and was shared 26 times!
Selfishly, I will truly miss “convention season”. I will miss all the faces, conversation, sharing and networking that happens at conventions! Heck, it’s the one time of the year you’re guaranteed to see folks you’ve not seen since
the last convention! Alas, it will be different this year like everything else. But agriculturists will adapt and overcome! Been looking forward to 2021 for a while now!
In this time of constant change, WAIC is dedicated to subscribers and donors in producing and promoting quality
materials that produce agriculturally literate students and educators. November brings Thanksgiving and we are SO THANKFUL for ALL of the cattleman and cattlewoman who make donations to our organization and/or promote our program! We are dependent on our generous and faithful sponsors!
There is always something to be thankful for, Happy Thanksgiving!
Kristen Hinton
360-770-3383 or
Washington Ag in the Classroom (WAIC) is funded 100% by donations from individuals, organizations and businesses
      Ketch Pen
Ag in the Classroom needs your support in developing agriculturally literate students and educators!
November 2020

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