Page 4 - November 2020 WCA Ketch Pen
P. 4

  In This Issue
6 From Your President
8 From Your EVP
10 From the WCW President
12 Legislative Update
14 Letter from Jon Wyss
16 Cull Cow Market Outlook and Review 18 Real. Facts. About the Beef Checkoff 20 Water and Ecology Update
22 This Old Farm
24 News from the WSDA
31 Ag in the Classroom
The Ketch Pen is sent to Washington Cattlemen’s Association members and affiliates 12 times per year. Postage paid in Lub- bock, TX. All rights reserved, including the rights to reproduc- tion in any way, in whole or in part without written and signed permission from the Washington Cattlemen’s Association. The statements and opinions in this publication belong to each individual author and may not represent the opinion of the Washington Cattlemen’s Association.
Send address changes to: 1301 N Dolarway Ellensburg, WA, 98926
 PO Box 96
1301 N. Dolarway Road Ellensburg, WA 98926
Editor’s Note
We have been informed by our publisher that the lead times on the postal service right now can up to three weeks out. Some of you will receive your publication within the first week of November, and some of you may not get it until the later half of the month. We want you to extend our apologies and let you know that we are aware of the issue and are doing everything we can to make sure you get your publication on time, yet some things are out of our control.
I can’t begin to express how thankful I am to have witnessed the outpouring of care, passion, love, support, supplies and money for the cattle producers impacted by the fires. Witnessing events like this and watching how quick fellow producers jump to aid makes me realize that this, this is the epitome of why I am so proud to play a small role in such an amazing organization.
As we steadily roll closer to and into sale season, many producers we have spoken with are considering or have already decided to switch over to an online sale format. Regardless of how you plan to run your sale, please reach out to let us help you set up an advertising plan so you can reach customers all over the Pacific Northwest.
Do you have a story that you’d like to share with WCA? We are always searching for stories from our members to publish. If you have something you’d like to throw in here, please give me a call!
I would like to extend an enormous thank you to Sam Ledgerwood for providing guidance and advice to me throughout the beggining of my endeavor with WCA. When Sam and I spoke on the phone at the beginning of May about the database and website project at hand, I never imagined it would lead to this. Sam, I can’t thank you enough for all your help and humble advice along the way!
As always, please remain cognizant of the advertisers in this publication that make it possible for the WCA to have this publication!
Until next month friends, Dillon Duncan 509-899-1856

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