Page 7 - November 2020 WCA Ketch Pen
P. 7

 Sam Ledgerwood,
By: Sheree Ledgerwood
Thank You
Together we attended the Idaho and Oregon Cattlemen Conventions. We were also able to travel to the National Cattlemen Convention in both New Orleans and Texas. For two very novice travelers this was quite the experience. We always traveled with great people who helped us not to get lost. Sam also represented the Washington Cattlemen in Washington DC in April 2019 (the 2020 trip was canceled). Beef Day on The Hill was another event we both enjoyed. WCA staff and volunteers put together a great event that is looked forward to well received on Capitol Hill. I had never been to Olympia before, it is very impressive.
We owe a big thank
you to Sarah Ryan for her
support and guidance
when we first began and
throughout the past two
years, Danny DeFranco for
his support, Mark Streuli
for always being a phone
call away, Bev Cridlebaugh
for managing the office,
Dillon Duncan for jumping
in and doing such a great
job with the Ketch Pen and new data base, and now to Ashley House who has joined us for the end of our journey. And I say “our journey”, because when Sam accepted the position of WCA President he did so with the support of our family. Jamie & Josh Hames, Samee & Pete Charriere and Tora & Vince Marchi were willing to take care of business at home so Sam would be available to take care of WCA business. To the officers, executive board, committee chairs, county directors, and countless others, thank you for always being there when Sam called for help or advice or
to just talk things out (at length). There were a few bumps and bruises along the way, but all in all this has been a great experience for both of us.
Again, thank you for the opportunity you gave us to represent you, The Washington Cattlemen Association.
 Two years ago, when Sam told me he was going to be the next WCA President I had no idea what that meant. I had been to many conventions over the years, so it didn’t seem that complicated. Boy was I wrong. It turns out that what it means is countless sleepless nights while he worried about policies, procedures, wolves, brand, water rights, lawsuits, hiring new EVP’s, bull sales, Covid-19, all the time wondering if he was making the right decisions for the members of the WCA. (It wasn’t just him who was awake, he had to talk to someone!) Know that he never made a decision which he didn’t first give careful thought to. It also meant meeting wonderful people who care about and work hard for the same things we do.
Sam and his granddaughter Jordyn Hames
I would like to thank the WCA for believing in Sam
and allowing him to serve as your President the past two years. Sam and I both enjoyed traveling around Washington to many county meetings and social activities. It was fun visiting with old friends and making new ones along the way. Having so many things canceled this past year was as disappointing for us as it was for all of you. If we missed visiting your county I am sorry, and hopefully we will still be welcome to visit once it is safe to again gather in large numbers.
Sam & Sheree Ledgerwood

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