Page 11 - October 2020 WCA Ketch Pen
P. 11

       P.O. Box 96
1301 N Dolarway Road | Ellensburg, WA 98926 (509) 925-9871 Fax (509) 925-3004
WCW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President - Kady Porterfield
Past President - Linda Henderson President Elect - Linda Weatherly 1st Vice President - Brenda Hart 2nd Vice President - Jeanne Whitley Secretary - Gail Shelton Treasurer - Bev Cridlebaugh Parliamentarian - Debbie Sieverkropp
Ag Day - Judy Ragland
Ag in the Classroom - Linda Henderson Beef Promotion - Annette Smith CattleWoman of the Year - Linda Weatherly Courtesy - Gail Shelton
Food Safety/Health - Judy Ragland Historian - Jeannie Kiehn Legislative - Pam Lewison Membership - Barbara Weber Memorial - Chris Clinesmith Nominating - Linda Henderson Social Media - Kady Porterfield Region V - Kady Porterfield Revision & Resolutions - Barb Weber WCW Liaison to WSBC - Marty Stingley
 The last piece of major business that was discussed was in regards to the Ketch Pen. This new, high quality product has been an absolutely amazing change to our state publica- tion. WCW finds lots of value in this upgrade and is work- ing WCA to plan on new and expanded features to high- light more CattleWomen activities and happenings. This is a great benefit to our members as well and we like to utilize it to send out written correspondence to our membership that may not have access to social media and/or email.
With the new changes, however, came new costs. Pre- viously, the WCA had the capacity to provide us with free copies at no cost, but to better this program and support our partner association it’s necessary we support them in the financial changes as well. Moving forward the WCW will budget yearly to cover the subscription costs for our membership that doesn’t already have a WCA affiliation
in their household. Those that live with or hold their own WCA membership will receive a single copy of the Ketch Pen for their household. Therefore, WCW is only paying for subscriptions to households with a sole WCW member- ship so we can cover everyone. The subscription will also be covered the next two months of this budget year with our newsletter funds as we no longer print and mail our own newsletter publications. This new budget item will be presented at our November annual meeting.
So with that, we lead into annual meeting plans!! Many of you may have heard already about WCA’s move to a vir- tual meeting on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. We will sup- port that meeting how we see fit and I’ll be in attendance to provide WCW reports to the WCA. The WCW choose to hold our annual business meeting on Monday, Novem- ber 9, 2020 with a start time of 10:00AM. The meeting
WCW members attend September meeting at the WCA Office. From left and around the table to the right: Kelby Tostenson, Katie Duncan, Barb Weber, Louise Acheson, Linda Henderson, Annette Smith, KayDee Gilkey, Kady Porterfield, Gail Shelton, Charlotte Tuttle, Linda Weatherly, Bev Cridlebaugh, Jeannie Kiehn, Doris Sieverkropp, Nancy Johnson, CL Clarke, Charlotte Frye, Brenda Hart, and Judy Ragland.
will be in-person, but will also have a virtual component so our membership from across the state can join us with either option!! I’ll be working through the details with WCA in the coming months, but I look forward to trying something new that will hopefully be of benefit to our whole membership.
  Ketch Pen
September 2020

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