Page 14 - October 2020 WCA Ketch Pen
P. 14

 WCA Resolution Updates
Marketing and Trade Committee
Labeling of Beef Products
MT 2020-1
WHEREAS, WCA recognizes some consumers want to know where and how beef is raised and produced and,
WHEREAS, Washington State beef producers want to be recognized for their efforts to produce quality beef and beef products.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that until Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (MCOOL) is more adequately defined by USDA, WCA supports voluntary country of origin labeling. (2020)
Wildlife/Rancher/Sportsman/ESA Committee Coyote Contests
WRSE 2020-12
WHEREAS, Coyotes are classified as a non-protected predator that can be hunted and trapped year-round with no bag limit in Washington state and
WHEREAS, Coyotes are quite problematic to the livestock industry in calving and lambing grounds and can cause severe calf and lamb losses in some areas, and
WHEREAS, Coyotes are hard on wild ungulate neonates, deer in winter snow conditions, and all ground nesting birds, including ESA listed species and
WHEREAS, Coyote populations have increased over the years due to the loss of agency trappers, and their population needs to be controlled at a lower level, and
WHEREAS, Coyote contests have been used as a tool to successfully reduce coyote populations in specific areas, and
WHEREAS, Animal rights groups are pushing their values onto rural communities by petitioning the Wildlife Commission to pass a WAC outlawing coyote contests
WHEREAS, the WDFW pushes forward fishing contests and fishing derbies for added cash flow
as of 9/24/2020
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the WCA will petition and testify before the Washington State Wildlife Commission in favor of maintaining the status quo on coyote contests.
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that WCA will continue to support a more robust predator eradication program by USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services.
Transportation & Natural Resources Committee
Trans./NR 2020-2
WHEREAS, free movement of cattle within the state is an essential part of the cattle business; and
WHEREAS, some cattle movements occur at times and places where new laws would endanger the drivers and livestock; and
WHEREAS, some producers because of their geographic location must use the state ferry system for movement of their cattle; and
WHEREAS, the Washington state ferries are considered an extension of the state highway system, and
WHEREAS, Homeland Security, Agro-Terrorism, and Bio Terrorism are significant concerns to prevent the introduction of a Foreign Animal Disease or other animal disease.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that no regulations or restrictions should be imposed on truck, trailer, or other vehicles transporting livestock other than those regulations currently in force for state or interstate highways except those needed for animal health or animal identification reasons.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the WCA supports extending the daily hours of service within the weekly limit
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the WCA oppose any policy on enforcement of extended layovers of livestock on trailers due to transportation regulations and support hours of service extension to allow for cattle to be transported to a facility where they may receive proper care, feed and water.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the WCA opposes mandatory use of electronic log devices as these are invasion of privacy.
    Ketch Pen
September 2020

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