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  Internal Fracture
On the other hand, the vice president- elect was Gaspar Domínguez Donoso, a doctor at the University of Chile, he is one of the seven conventionalists that is part of the LGBTIQ + community. “I represent diversity in some aspects: I work in a rural and isolated sector, and I belong to sexual diversity, “he said. On how this element could be recognized in the Constitution: “In the event that we are going to talk about the family, talk about ‘families’, eliminate the current singular that leads to a single family. Another option, from the point of view of the constitutional discussion, is to consider human diversity as a legal asset to protect. And this can be interpreted from the diversity of generic sex ”. According to the events that occurred during the vote, some observers feel that there is a worrying internal fracture in the Communist Party and the Broad Front that could negatively impact the Boric government.
From the beginning of the vote there were differences: the Frente Amplio, (FA) established an alliance with the Socialist Party to favour the constituent Ramona Reyes, whose candidacy failed when problems were discovered during her years as mayor of Paillaco. The Communist Party preferred Bárbara Sepulveda, but they did not follow the FA and supported the option of Eric Chinga, of the Indigenous Peoples. The PC always considered that the alliance that the FA and the PS forged for the presidency of the Convention pointed in a “centrist” direction and not in the promotion of profound reforms to the Constitution. Members of the Frente Amplio and socialists, for their part, were betting on consolidating the alliance achieved during the first phase of the constituent, which among other things reaffirmed the quorum of the 2/3 and confronted the position of the Communists on other sensitive agendas, such as the deciding plebiscites. Experts maintain that although the members of the Communist Party are aware that they will have to understand each other with the FA, in
the face of the Boric government, they seek to mark a political point for the Frente Amplio, after the election of Maria Elisa Quinteros. It is about, for some, to establish the course towards the next definitions that come, at least in the constituent one.
Highly Relevant Topics
This new stage that will inaugurate the new presidency of the Constituent Commission is vital because in the coming period several commissions will be organized and there the projects will be forged that will then go to the vote of the plenary session. There will be the nucleus of the conversation and the need for agreements will be fundamental. There are matters where it will be relatively easy to generate majorities, despite the fact that the norm establishes that decisions are approved with two- thirds of the votes, that is, 103 votes. Many agree with the creation of the figure of an “attenuated presidentialism”, but there are more critical issues where heated debates will take place, such as organizing a unicameral Congress. Another difficult matter will be the debate on the proposal of a plurinational State, where the underlying problem would be whether or not to create statutes of autonomy, and whether that would give authority to make decisions regarding the natural resources that exist there. At this point there would be no harmony between the proposals of the Comunist Party and the Mapuche groups, despite the fact that they came together to elect the new authorities of the Convention. The Justice Systems Commission, which will study and discuss what will happen to the Constitutional Court and the Judiciary, has its first internal vote on proposals set for January 18th. The first proposals were scheduled to be released on January 27th. The Chile Vamos conventioneers presented a new approach to create an 11-member Judicial Council that assumes the administrative tasks that today fall to the Supreme Court, proposes the quinas for the highest court and disciplines the judges. The initiative joins that of Chile Digno, which proposes creating
a Supreme Council of Justice of 21 members, with broader powers. The Political System Commission, which must review the duration of the presidential term and whether the current bicameral system will be changed to a unicameral one, will begin to debate constitutional norms on January 20, and its vote is scheduled for the 27th of the same month according to the current schedule. The first proposals of this commission to the plenary session must be ready and approved by February 11 th if they want to continue their planning, that is, one month before the change of command. During that month there are eight planned voting plenary sessions, plus an extra one every week - set on Fridays - in case it is necessary to vote on a submitted rule that has not been seen.
Approaches of the Right
There are those who miss the modern and intellectual voice of the right, not only in the sense of defending the Constitution of 1980; it is about something more relevant, such as achieving a certain transcendence in the ideas, since so far many expect more solid presentations from that sector. At least there is a proposal from the Confederation of Production and Commerce which includes: • Water for all: An idea that contemplates that the vital element is a national good for public use, guaranteed by the State • Smartcity: plans that the Regional Governments will have powers related to the Instruments of territorial planning of urban areas and in the territorial planning of the respective region• Freedom of education and the right of parents to do so • Right to life including the one that is about to be born • Let’s defend our traditions : Respect for national emblems and symbols•; With my money NO: Defend pension savings • Religious freedom and conscience in the new Constitution: Seeks that the new Magna Carta guarantees freedom of conscience and religion, in addition to its free exercise, freedom to profess and disseminate the faith.
Montt Latin American Magazine p9
Constitutional Convention Elects New President

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