P. 16

Will Peru Become a Marxist Country?
All the polls give the far-left candidate Pedro Castillo the victory, albeit
by a slim margin, in the second round of the presidential elections in that country. There are those who even speak of a technical tie with the right-wing representative, Keiko Fujimori, who could give more than one surprise. There is concern about the leader’s proposals due to their similarity to those of Hugo Chávez and the Castro brothers.
In less than two weeks, Peruvians will vote in the presidential elections. The latest poll allowed by Peruvian electoral legislation places the candidate of the extreme left, Pedro Castillo, with 51,1 percent of the intention to vote, very close to his right-wing rival, Keiko Fujimori, who now stands at 48, 9 percent.
The study, carried out by Ipsos and published by the newspaper El Comercio, re ects an upward trend in Fujimori (Popular Force), who started the campaign 11 points behind his rival. It should be noted that the poll has a margin of error of plus minus 2,52 percentage points, so the di erence is even smaller and it can be spoken of a technical tie between the two candidates.
Keiko Fujimori is, according to the survey, the favorite candidate among the youngest and women, while Castillo predominates
among men and those over 25 years of age.
Regarding the socioeconomic level, Fujimori wins in sectors A, B and C, while Castillo wins in E. In sector D there is a tie between both candidates.
There is great expectation in Peruvian society because Castillo’s thinking is very similar to that of the late Hugo Chavez, who ruled Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2013. Chavismo strangled the democratic institutions of Venezuela, made human capital  ee, destroyed the economy and it generated widespread poverty. The military dictatorship is now headed by Nicolas Maduro with signi cant intelligence backing from Havana. Notably, Venezuela was once one of the most advanced countries in the Region.
p16 Montt Latin American Magazine

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