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to centimetre of this mountain range until either make it disappear or leave it in soft hills for the next 30 or 40 years of history, until the next major identity crisis.
What are we going to do then without mountains, and in the inescapable need to bring levels of equality essentially di erent from those that have existed until now, and on the basis of which our societies will be structured?
This is the fundamental question, which we have not considered fair and square until now as a mature society. Unfortunately, this situation has so far fallen into the hands of the politicians of the moment, who have shown their worst facet, with an exclusively electoral interest in winning power through power and without any broad, magnanimous, constructive vision in the long term and capable of guiding our next 40 or 50 years. At this moment, sincere analyzes are lacking from men genuinely loving our countries and their future destiny; those who until now have been called great leaders of a nation. Faced with this, it will have to be us then, ordinary men, who will have to begin to think, and show in simple words where the paths of the construction of our new reality go, and meet those of us who are with this spirit to pressure those who occupy political positions to clear their minds of petty interests and to be able to shape a country capable of receiving these new balances and structures, on the path of progress and well-being for all.
It would seem that the desired equality is based on an equal capacity of all those who live together, and that equal capacity is based in turn on equal education, as on equal opportunities once the periods of education have been completed to develop the talents that they have been formed during the educational training period, which implies access to nancing to develop the talents acquired, to be able to be innovators and real entrepreneurs, in a society that receives and
encourages them. This seems to be the last stone for our Latin American subcontinent and the foundations of a true equality. This necessarily implies free education at all levels, and care of access to fully subsidized nancing for young people who show themselves as workers and talented of any social condition and in any of the professions, specialties and tasks, with abundant scholarships for improvement abroad, young that without distinction of social origin all speak English correctly, and are all egalitarian. What will we do with the mature and those who are no longer young. It will not be possible to make them egalitarian, as a society we did not, we can only give them peace of mind that their children will be, and give them stable employment, free health and a decent retirement. That’s the truth. I do not know if the masses will understand it, but I trust that they will be able to think well and realize what is possible and what is not possible, as well as understand that politicians are selling with their irresponsible promises only a real objective: achieve for them a better position of power in society. It is clear that Chile does not have more wealth at the moment than to o er the aforementioned, which in turn will require a greater important tax sacri ce that the wealthy classes must necessarily deliver, and we must also explain to all of them that what is being done is creating nations where to live, richer, more solid, more stable, that will be able to survive in a world that is also changing, with a globalization in front of which it is necessary to position itself with this new mass of young people well prepared and capable of interact positively in the new reality, which will also benefit companies, generating a different structure and balance that in the end seems to me to be the ultimate goal of the social tsunami.