Page 1 - P.I.C. Fase 3 Ingles equipo 7 v-1
P. 1

Ranch the table

                                                      You  can  harvest  different  fruits  or

                                                      cut  your  Christmas  tree  during

                                                      Christmas seasons.
                                                       You can get on a zip line, get on a
                Rules                                    canoe, play gotcha, or ride an ATV.

                                                       You can relax with calmer activities
                                                      like: petting animals, having a picnic
                                                      or horseback riding.
      1.-Minors  must  be  accompanied  by  an
      adult       at        all      times.            You can participate in rodeos
      2.-The  fruits  and  trees  should  only  be
      harvested    in    authorized   arias.
      3.-Do  not  feed  the  animals  with
      unauthorized                    food.               We are located in
      4.-When you are riding you must stay in
      the    areas     assigned    to    it.                        Ranch the table
      5.-Throw  the  garbage  in  its  place.
      6.-Do  not  push  during  the  foam  party.
      7.-When  driving  a  motorcycle,  you  must      Carr.Federal México –Cuautla
      not  exceed  the  indicated  speed  limit.       km18.5,56700 Ixtapaluca, Mex.
      8.-Respect  the  people  who  are  in  the
      9.-Do  not  enter  restricted  or  protected
      10.-Do not enter the greenhouse and farm
      with food
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