Page 119 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 119
What happens next:
Notify Co-Investigators:
o If your study has Co-Investigators (Co-I), they must indicate their
willing participation in the study by completing the Indicate Study
Participation activity.
o This gives these individuals the opportunity to agree or decline to
participate in a study.
o This must be done before the PI will be able to submit the study to the
IRB for review.
o Follow the steps below to notify the Co-I(s) that they have been added
to the study and need to complete the activity:
In the study workspace, click on the Notify Co-I Regarding
Participation activity.
Click OK to send the notification.
A notification will be sent to ALL Co-I’s listed on the study.
Notify Principal Investigator (PI) to submit study:
o Once all sections of the SmartForm have been completed, notify the
PI that the study is ready to be submitted.
Click the Send Email to Study Team button from the Study
Work space.
Type your message within the text box.
Click the OK button to send the message.
The Message will be sent to the PI and the Primary
Administrative Contact.
Check the status of your study:
o Log-in to eIRB (Same previous steps)
Click the MY IRB/COI Home link.
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