Page 167 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 167
5. DoyouhaveaPhysicianOrderforthenextVisit?
6. Doyouhaveamedicationprescription?Ifnot,howwillthemedicationbe
ordered and administered for the study visit? Is this a titration visit? What
determines the titration?
7. Howdoyoucompletedrugaccountability?
8. Whatinformationwillbehandedoutatthevisit?IsitIRBapproved?
9. Whatisthescheduleofeventsfortheupcomingvisit?
10.Are the orders placed in EPIC for the upcoming procedures? 11.What is your sponsor contact?
12.How do you use IWRS/IVRS?
13.How do you enter the data?
14.How do you get in contact with your subject?
15.Does the subject have to fast?
16.What is the time window for the visit?
17.What is the time window for the PK?
18.Where is the shipping for your labs?
19.What labs will be completed at the next visit?