Page 179 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 179
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Research Administration SOP No: R-Reg-102 SOP Title: Finance & Regulatory Modifications The UTSW contracts personnel will provide the sponsor with a purchase order number and finalize the study contract. The fully executed SOA will be uploaded into Velos and tracked by the study coordination team and team leads using the Transition Plan Tracker.
5.1.2 SOW Initiation & Execution SOW Initiation: Studies with internal funding must initiate a SOW To initiate a request, the CRC/A should send an email to RA finance at SOW Process: The SOW process is carried t h e assigned RA quality specialist ( ), RA finance, and executed by RA leadership. The CRC/A will inform their team lead of any new studies for which their PIs intend to use internal funds to support the costs incurred for doing research at CHST. The CRC/A will work with their team lead to complete and submit to their directors for approval to be provided the assigned RA quality specialist, Jayni George, with an approved CTS. completion of a SOW draft, the assigned Quality specialist, Jayni George, will reach out to the CRC/A and team lead to review and resolve all SOW discrepancies. RA leadership will review and approve and then route the SOW to the PI and the vice President,for theirsignatures. The fully executed SOW will be is kept in the study file and research finance folder on the shared drive and tracked by the study coordination team and team leads. For modifications to the SOW, please follow steps through
5.2 Modifications to Research Regulatory Documents & Approvals
5.2.1 Log into eIRB
5.2.2 Type this link in your web browser:
5.2.3 Type your login ID in the User Name field and password (as you would normally type it).
5.2.4 This could be your UT Southwestern Medical Center, Children’s Health, or Parkland Health and Hospital System credentials.
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