Page 3 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
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eBook Manual of Operations Overview of Content
Children’s Health System of Texas
W.W. Caruth, Jr. Center for Pediatric Translational Clinical Research Version 7.0
Foreword & Acknowledgement
In the midst of Pandemic and the disruption of COVID on clinical research observed across the globe, the W.W. Caruth, Jr. Center for Pediatric Translation Clinical Research team through mindful adherence with CDC recommendations and FDA guidance rises to the challenge of overcoming encumbrances to reach its patients, demonstrating resilience in its mission to make children’s lives better toward the relentless discovery of the treatments of tomorrow.
We would like to dedicate this book to those on the front line of patient care. Your dedication and commitment to your patients and our mission is inspiring and your work enduring. We also acknowledge the many victims of this time of Pandemic.
Book 1 of 2: Research Coordination
This section incorporates the policies and procedures for conducting clinical research at Children’s Health System of Texas Research Administration. The practices outlined in this section are dedicated to offering guidance on how to complete all aspects of a clinical research trial within the governing safety and regulatory compliance regulations.
CHST Research Administration
Clinical Research Coordination

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