Page 471 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 471

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Research Administration SOP No: R-Com-101
SOP Title: P.A.C.T
4. Will study materials be prepared and organized and where will I find instructions and needed materials?
Yes, materials and instructions will be prepared and organized by the Primary Coordinator. Location of study materials will be listed on the Communication Hand-Off Form.
5. Who will plan for coverage of my role if I am absent or unavailable?
This depends on the situation. If it is a planned absence you should plan coverage and inform the primary coordinator. If it is unplanned you will follow the plan outlined as the P.A.C.T. is formed.
6. What do I do if I need help or have concerns about the study? Follow the Chain of Command.
7. Do I need to inform my primary coordinator prior to planning PTO? Yes
8. Is it expected that I attend all team meetings? How will I be updated? Yes, you are expected to attend all team meetings and you will be updated at that time.
9. How often will meetings be held?
This will depend on the study and P.A.C.T. Agreement.
10. Can the back-up call the primary coordinator at home or on vacation?
A contact list will be developed for each team by the primary coordinator. The communication chain when the primary coordinator is at home or on vacation may be dependent on the study and situation. A plan should be developed as the P.A.C.T. is formed and noted on the Communication Hand-Off Form. The Principal Investigator is available for guidance and should be considered as the plan is developed.
11. What if prior commitments conflict with back-up responsibilities - who is next to act as Primary?
This will depend on the situation and should be discussed as the P.A.C.T. is formed. Keep in mind the acting Primary will most often take responsibility for the most complex tasks.
12. What is my plan if I am unexpectedly not able to step in as Primary Coordinator when needed?
If you have accepted responsibility to cover the study as a back-up coordinator and unexpectedly are not able to fulfill those responsibilities, it is your responsibility to find coverage for the study,
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