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How to crowdfund your next
design project
Kick-start that brilliant idea with our expert guide to acquiring all the funds you need.
It’s a sad fact that brilliant ideas often remain just brilliant ideas when there’s no money to transform inspiration into a product. Even some- thing as seemingly simple as taking some Moleskine notebook sketches and turning them into a run of posters or T-shirts can be a shockingly expensive aspiration.
But let’s say for a moment you’re determined to turn your ideas into a reality. What are your options? Well, you could go cap-in-hand to the bank, borrow from your friends and family, or – if you’re really zealous – live like a monk, save and fund your scheme that way. None of these options are, if we’re honest, terribly attractive.
There is however another way to find cash to fuel your business dream: crowdfunding. You’ve probably heard the term and maybe even toured sites like Kickstarter. If not, crowdfunding lets you present your business plan to a huge audience of internet users and ask them for small donations or investments.
- Crowdfunding: the basics
Crowdfunding and other alternative methods of raising finance make for a huge market. A report by Nesta called The Rise of Future Finance stated that the UK alternative funding market grew from £492m in 2012 to £939m in 2013. The report predicted that £1.6bn might be raised in 2014.
There are lots of different crowdfunding platforms. Despite their differences, they work in much the same way. You create a page on the platform’s site detailing your project, set a funding target and watch the promises come flooding in.
If you’re lucky, you’ll achieve or surpass your goal and this will trigger a process that culminates in the funds heading your way. If you don’t hit your goal, your page will be taken down. In the main, you won’t receive any money if you fail to achieve your target.
For their trouble, the funding platform levies a fee. This ranges from 4 to 9 per cent of the total funds you’ve been promised. You may also have to pay admin changes and VAT too.
- Picking the right type of fund
Despite being the best known funding platform, Kickstarter is just one of many services on offer. There are, in broad terms, four different types of funding platforms available. Each approach has its strengths and
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weakness. As such, it pays to make the right choice before ploughing on and launching your funding drive.
The most simple style of funding is the donation model. Here, supporters give cash to a start-up and don’t have any expectation of a return. Just Giving’s is a prime example of this.
Next up, we have reward-based crowdfunding, where givers donate with the expectation of receiving something in return. Kickstarter is, of course, the best known platform of this type. David Lesue – a graphic design and art director, used Kickstarter to fund his Stately Type project.
Through Stately Type, Lesue sells city, state and country themed typographic T-shirts and posters. He told us: “I decided to crowdfund the project because it seemed like the perfect way to prove the project’s worth before I invested too much of my time, money, or energy.”
Looking at his project’s Kickstarter page, he offered – as most proj- ects do – a sliding scale of donation. A dollar bought you a handshake, $10 a printable PDF and $150 a pack of six T-shirts, with lots of options between these three points.
If you are interested in this kind of funding, try exploring Crowd- funder, Indiegogo, Zequs and Sponsorcraft platforms. And, of course, Kickstarter.
- The loan or debt model
Next up is the loan or debt model. Here a business borrows funding and promises to repay the money with interest. Abundance Generation, Funding Circle, Funding Empire, Money&Co and Trillion Fund offer start- ups access to this kind of funding.
The fourth type of crowdfunding is equity funding. Here, support is provided in return for an equity stake (or share) in the business. Crowd- cube, Seedrs, Angels Den and Syndicate Room embrace this model.
If you’re struggling to choose the type of funding model you’re going to pursue, it’s worth considering the scale of your funding drive. Donation and reward models tend to raise smaller amounts of money. If you’re looking to launch a more complex project, loan and equity based models are more applicable.
Heading to the UK Crowdfunding Association’s website is a good place to start. It has nearly 40 members, each offering a subtly different
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