Page 325 - Roberston & Sinclair Catalogue
P. 325
Portable Power Tools
Belt Sanders – Stationary or Mobile Continuous precision.
Whether for coarse, fine or linear sanding, Festool belt sanders are a reliable partner and offer a unique advantage. Working in only one direction along the grain prevents sanding rings from developing, thereby eliminating laborious, tiresome reworking. Festool belt sanders are available in widths 75mm and 105mm.
Dust extraction.
The integrated dust extractor guarantees clean working conditions. Belt sanders can also be connected to Festool mobile dust extractors.
Accurate belt guidance.
The sanding belt is guided safely and accurately for efficient work and a perfect sanding finish. Precision adjustment ensures consistent accurate work after the belt is changed.
The electronics ensure precision belt speed control to suit the working material, which in turn increases the working quality and makes reworking a thing of the past.
Graphite sanding base.
The graphite sanding base guarantees an excellent sanding finish and prevents the machine from seizing or stopping during the sanding process.
Sanding frame.
The housings are narrow and the belt sanders have a perfect centre of gravity because the motor is installed lengthways.
Powerful motor.
Whether the BS 75 or the BS 105, the motors on Festool belt sanders are powerful and reliable.
Stationary use.
With the bench unit, you can turn a mobile belt sander into a stationary unit in an instant, allowing you to machine smaller workpieces more efficiently.
BS 75 Belt Sander BS 105 Belt Sander
1,010w 3.8kg 1,400w 6.5kg
75 x 533mm Abrasive belts Less sanding frame
105 x 620 Abrasive belts – Range 40 to 220 grit
In Carton only
With Systainer storage case
FES570230 FES570212
The sanding frame prevents the belt sander from tilting. The belt sander moves safely over the working surface once clamped in position. Fine brushes prevent the workpiece from being scratched.
PHONE 0800 866 546
See Abrasives Page 8-7