Page 378 - Roberston & Sinclair Catalogue
P. 378
12 Machinery
12-1 Machinery
Saw Benches 12-1 Bandsaws 12-3 Jointer / Buzzers 12-4 Planers / Thicknessers 12-5 Spindle Moulders 12-7 Power Feeders 12-8 Belt, Disc and Oscillating Bobbin Sanders 12-9 Drum and Belt Sanders 12-11 Mortise Equipment 12-12 Dust Extraction 12-13 Hose Fittings 12-17 Dust Extraction Hose 12-18
AMAC Introduction
Not all machines are made equal and while similar at first glance, closer inspection can reveal many manufacturing quality and individual component differences.
Robertson & Sinclair Ltd have been sourcing machines from the same rigorously selected suppliers in Taiwan for the last 30 years. These suppliers have proven themselves by using top quality bearings, gears, castings electrics etc.
Our long term relationships with the same supplier enables us to provide consistency of supply and spare parts when required.
Woodworking Machines you can Trust
All care has been taken to ensure information in this catalogue is accurate. However we reserve the right to make corrections without notification.