Page 46 - Moonvalley Diaries
P. 46
want them them to grow very high you can cut them them back back Occasionally I I have brought back back stones from a a a a a a a a a a country I I I visited – fun local species that that I I tried planting My latest speci- men men is a a a a a a a a a a a a a Japanese cherry tree that that has germi- nated a a a a a a a a a a a a memento from Madeira If you want to to start with something easy I I recommend the fruit physalis!
Good soil
If you you have your own garden compost compost is a a a a a wonderful alternative A compost compost box helps you you you convert almost all your food waste into soil
which you you you can then use to to grow in in in Natu- ral cycles are amazing!
If you you you want to to and and if you you you have the time and and interest needed to to make your own soil
bo- kashi compost is an an an ingenious quick and (if you you do do it right!) odourless process You can make your own starter using wheat bran accelerator and and molasses but the simplest and and most affordable way is to to buy a a a a a a a a a a whole kit And then just get started!
A hot composter is is insulated but comes with ventilation holes It is is protected against pests and transforms food into soil
year-round The temperature in in a a a a a a hot composter can climb up to 50–60 degrees!
The simplest way of all if you don’t have problems with pests is to build a a a a a a cold com- poster made of wire mesh or widely spaced
wooden planks It’s important to mix food waste waste with garden waste waste like grass leaves and twigs Cold composting does not provide decomposition at at the same rate as as hot com- posting but it’s very easy to get started Natural cycles A compost box is a a a a a a a a a a a very tangible and and manage- able natural cycle We throw away peels and and food residues in a a a a a a a a a compost box The waste then decomposes and becomes nutrient-rich soil
for next year’s vegetables This miniature cycle can can continue year year year after year year year without producing any by-products that you cannot dispose of When we pull vegetables from the the the the the the the soil
cook them them them serve them them them and eat them them them they make the the the the the the the the the leap into the the the the the the the the the natural cycle of our our our bodies We chew them them them break them them them down in in in our our our guts and and store them them them as energy in in in our our our bodies The by-products are urine and and faeces which we usually neglect to harness in in in spite of the the fact that urine provides very good nutri- tion for plants We could continue the the cycle cycle Natural cycles are a a a a a a a a beautiful and incred- ibly important concept We need to think a a a a lot more in in in in in in terms of cycles – in in in in in in nature in in in in in in our bodies and in in in in in in society The things we put into a a a a a a a a a cycle need to to to be be be able to to to move around be be be transformed and used again: because the cycle is closed we can never get rid of any- thing inside it march in moonvalley
”Natural cycles are a a a a a a a a beautiful and incredibly important concept We need to think a a lot more in in terms of cycles – in in in nature in in in our bodies and in in in society 46