Page 13 - the Alan Blakeman Catalogue
P. 13
18. MAMMOTH SALT GLAZED STONEWARE EXHIBITION TYPE SPRIGGED JUG. 23ins tall. T. t., salt glaze, dark treacle brown neck and rim,
lower a lighter/ speckled orange peel effect, rear handle. Bulbous body, footed base. Many sprigs
of hunting scene, , trees, dogs etc. A huge coat of arms across the belly - very proud,
impressed DIEU ET MON DROIT/ HONI SOIT QUI MA Y PENCE, meaning God &
my right - may he be shamed who thinks badly of it. Tap hole at the base. When previously sold this was described as being a pub display jug but I believe given the scale of prominance of the
coat of arms it could well have a military connection. Again such a very large
and impressive item. Some spigs damaged. 9.5/10. NR. £2,000-3,000+