Page 47 - the Alan Blakeman Catalogue
P. 47

106. PEG LEG MAN REFORM FLASK. 6ins tall. T.t., salt glaze - delightful
  classic orange peel effect especially
noticeable on the curved back
section. Full figure model of seated peg leg man with (gin?) bottle in left hand. (AB Reforms p35). No damages, exc/ A1 - a great example.
109. HAND WITH TIPSTAFF REFORM FLASK. 10.4ins tall. An almost matt light salt glaze, very well modelled, and detailed, upright hand holding what appears to be a tipstaff decorated with fluer de lis on a diamond grid? Never seen another but quite clearly a
tall. T.t. salt glaze - top mid brown, lower light, with speckles. Upper torso of Lord Russell, face, shirt
London made piece. No damages. Exc/ A1. 9.8/10. NR. £150-200+
9.5/10. NR. £150-200+
   and waistcoat picked out without the brown oxide addition. Scroll below THE TRUE/ SPIRIT OF/ REFORM amd below impressed in large letters LORD/ JOHN RUSSELL. Belper & Denby/ Bourne rear pottery mark. Thin rear base flake otherwise very good. (AB Reforms p38). 9/10. NR. £80- 120+
110. HOUSE SHAPED REFORM FLASK. 6.9ins tall. T.t. salt glaze rectangular form with sloping roof
section been reglued - warrants a more professional repair? 710. NR.
111. PERFUME FLASK. 2.5ins tall. Shapely little salt glaze flask, light colour with shoulders and a few other darker areas. Raised sprig like design of a trio
REFORM FLASK. 9.2ins tall to top of old cork. T.t. top section dark
of birds in tree. small inmanufacture blotch on side but no real
brown, lower off white. Upper well modelled be wigged torso holding a scroll THE/ True Spirit
damages. Very rare. 9/10. NR. £120-150+
carrying much brick, tile and window detailing, door to centre, octagonal chimney. Rear panel for label. In manufacture split in neck plus upper
  Of/ REFORM and below impressed BROUGHAMS/ REFORM/
CORDIAL. (AB Reforms p13). Large rear Doulton p.m. What looks like
possible in manufacture flaws to nose and scroll (?) plus couple of old, stable,
rear hairlines. A rare pub named flask that appears to have slipped through
quality control? NR. £80-120+

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