P. 6

  decorative outer border. Exc/A1. 9.5/10. NR.
38. PONTILLED PHIAL DUO. Tallest 5.2ins. Smokey aqua hued glass, very thin walled. Both freeblown, flared lips, wonky, pontilled. Some internal haze but undamaged. 9/10. (2). NR.
BBR supports ALL Bottle Shows which support BBR
42. G HOLFORD BRIGHTON GINGER BEER BOTTLE. 6.6ins tall. Very early (John Cliff & Co p.m.) off white, std. Below shoulder impressed in capital letters: MASTER WANTS ME HOME/
G HOLFORD/ 25 HENRY STREET/ BRIGHTON. Crude manufacture, shoulder kiln touch. NR.
  39. TOOTH PASTE POT LID. 2.9ins diam. Full face pict. transfer of men in boat & surrounding details,
43. G HOLFORD BRIGHTON GINGER BEER BOTTLE. 6.6ins tall. Another early very off white, std. ginger. Below shoulder impressed in mostly lower case letters: Master Wants Me Home/ G HOLFORD/ 25 Henry Street/ Brighton. Crude
manufacture, kiln touch, bottom chip. NR.
44. GRADUATED PHARMACY BOTTLE. 7.1ins tall. Delightful ice blue, tall, elegant, octagonal shape with short thin neck. Heavily embossed down the front with Roman numberals: 1, 11, 111, 1111, V, V1 iwth horizontal lines inbetween. Overall dullness, no damages. NR.
45. OLBY & CO WHOLESALE BUILDERS MERCHANTS DOULTON ASHTRAY DUO. 4.5ins diam, stoneware. One deep blue, other mottled blue (some glaze flaws) - the earlier of the pair. (2). 9.5/10. NR.
  40. MIXED GINGER BEERS GROUP. Tallest 7.3ins. 1 std. all white 1 blob, 1 screw top), 2 t.t.. .(1 blob, 1 c.c.). (4). NR.
  41. MIXED POISON BOTTLE GROUP. Tallest 6.2ins. Various blue, green, brown & aqua shades. Range of shapes. Generally all good. (26). NR.

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