Page 47 - Sat 1 & Sun 2 July SummerNational Show w/e Auctions
P. 47

  173. ENGLISH 1801 DATED SQUAT MALLET WINE BOTTLE. David Burton Vol 2, p 822. 8ins tall. Deep black glass, a short neck, double collar lip (minor inner decorking flakes), base kick up, wide rough pontil. Very large, low body, seal, magnificently crisply struck I Wright Esq/ H West,/ 1801: Two hand written David Walker Barker base stickers. NR. £400-600+
  174. JAMES OAKES BURY 1770 DATED SEALED WINE BOTTLE. David Burton Vol 2, p742. 10.4ins. Black glass classic cylinder, tooled lip, applied string rim - very slight inner lip de corking roughness, base kick
175. ENGLISH SEALED CYLINDER WINE BOTTLE. David Burton Vol3, p1158. 11.2ins. Standard three piece mould blown black glass cylinder bottle. Base kick up, rough pontil areas & raised centre pimple. Evenly struck mid body seal. No damages. 9/10. NR. £60-80+
up, rough pontil, full glass sheen. Exquisite, crisply struck, just below shoulder seal. Metal neck ring featuring hanging metal medallion (tarnished) impressed WHISKY. Rear shoulder knock does not spoil the display. Just a wonderful example of a classic, well documented wine bottle. 8.9/10. 9.5/10. NR. £300-400+

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