Page 12 - Sunday 29 May Advertising & Breweriana
P. 12
52. DEWARS WHISKY SLATERS PATENT (LEATHER LOOK) PUB JUG. 6.9ins tall, Piped cream lettering on leather effect jug, rear handle. Various base impressed marks - Doulton Lambeth, Slaters Patent, Regd No 137999 (for 1889). Small base flake. Never seen another? 9/10.. NR.
53. DEWARS SANTA CLAUS HEAD SHAPED PUB JUGS. 4.6ins tall.Naturalistically coloured Santas, each different, various Xmas embellishments. John Humphreys base
transfers. Exc/A1. No damages. 9.8/10 (3) NR.
54. DEWARS WHITE LABEL WHISKY PUB JUG. 4ins tall. Transfer both sides with fully kitted highlander below lip, rear handle. CArltonware base p.m. Minor lip wear otherwise good. 9/10. NR.
55. GREERS OVH SCOTCH WHISKY PUB JUG DUO. Tallest 4.6. Similar pair with inset handle style identically transferred both sides. Virtually intact gold bands. Both Shelley base p.m. NR.
56. WHITE HORSE WHISKY PUB JUG. 5.4ins tall. Classic blue & white jug with two different shield shaped designs to sides. Silver bands virtually intact. Exc/ A1. Regd base no 384295 (for 1902) 9.8/10. NR.
57. GRANTS STAND FAST WHISKY PUB JUG. 3.4ins tall. Strong blue & white body transfer with black lettered panel each side. James Green Nephew base transfer. No damages. 9.5/10. NR.
58. MC CALLUMS WHISKY PUB JUG. 6ins tall. Unique flattended circular shape with base plinth and pouring lip, light blue body (part of a set of different colour variants). Doulton base transfer. No damages. 9.8/10 NR.
60. PUB JUG GROUP. Large mixed selection of pub jugs. Inc a mixed drinks selection plus cigarette jugs. Not suitable for posting but we can store until purchasers can pick up. NR (34)
59. DUNVILLES VR WHISKY PUB JUG DUO. Tallest 5.5ins, taller with inbuilt handle design & more ornate transfer with crown plus gold rim (rear rim hairline). Both with Campbell base transfer. 10 & 9/10. NR.
61. PUB JUG GROUP. Large mixed selection of pub jugs. Inc drinks plus cigarette jugs. Repairs. Not suitable for posting but we can store until purchasers can pick up. NR (36)
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