Page 20 - Sunday 29 May Advertising & Breweriana
P. 20

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 106. FAMOUS WREKIN ALES WATER JUG. 4.2ins tall. Rusty mustard body transferred both sides with wording, jolly dapperly dressed gent below spout.
Regicor base transfer.
107. FAMOUS WREKIN ALES WATER JUG. 5.5ins tall. Variant to previous lot - yellow body, lettering one side, jolly gent to other. James Kent Old
Foley base marked.
9.5/10. NR.
108. OFFILERS NUT BROWN ALES. 3.5ins tall. Bright yellow, black transfer both sides, black rim (letters ERS repaired & up to rim one side - blow up easylive images). T G Green base transfer. 7.10. NR.
lip ESTD/ 1669. Shelley base mark. Despite body wear a scarce early jug. NR.
110. PUB JUG GROUP. Large mixed selection of jugs. Mainly Whisky, a few cigarettes. Not suitable for posting but we can store until purchasers can pick up. NR (32)
111. PUB JUG
GROUP. Large mixed selection of pub jugs. Mainly Whisky, wines, cigarettes & plates. Some damages. Not suitable for posting but we can store until purchasers can pick up. NR (42)
  Pinhead lip nick - barely visible. 9/10.NR.
112. BRAINS BEER WATER JUG. 4ins tall. Uniformed huntsman toasting with beer in hand, jug on table beside - to both sides. Rearing dragon & logo below spout. Clifton Cottle base transfer & Regd No 1931). Superb. 10/10. NR.
 113. STYLE & WINCH/ FARMERS ALE. 4.2ins tall. Variating runny blue/ green Doyulton stoneware artware glaze, two different cartouche like lettered shields to sides. 9/10. NR.
      4.3ins tall. Brown body (worn) Transferred both sides in shield shape, smaller shield below
114. WHITBREADS ADVERTISING FIGURE. 16ins tall. Cast aluminium, cold painted. Bottle shaped figure stood upon base plinth carrying logo GOOD FOR HIM & GOOD FOR YOU/ SINCE/ SEVENTEED HUNDRED & FORTY TWO. General wear, no front label. 8/10. NR.
115. IND COOPES ALES & STOUT WATER JUG. Blue top & handle, transfer both sides
 featuring red building (one side worn) . Dulll handle. Minton base transfer. 8.5/10. NR.

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