Page 35 - Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 April Auction catalogue
P. 35

 191. WORCESTER HUNTING PASTE POT LID. 3.1ins diam. Faded black transfer. HUNTING PASTE/ W.
WOODS CHEMIST. Hunting scene pict to centre. Crazing & under edge nibbles but this remains an
exceptionally rare regional early pot lid. Nowadays this should be a relatively simple cleaning task?
8.5/10. NR £300-400+
  192. POTTED TONGUE POT LID. 3.4ins diam. Black transfer. POTTED/ TONGUE with meat pict to centre. Flange crazing & chips. 9.5/10. NR. £300-400+
193. MUSHROOM SAVOURY POT LID. 3.3ins diam. Strong brown transfer with three large mushrooms to centre & large lettering around edge with smaller writing inside. 2 minor under edge nibbles. Note no company name, an especially rare offering. 9.5/10. NR £60-80+
194. BALES MUSHROOM SAVOURY POT LID. 3.3ins diam. Brown transfer
with three large mushrooms to centre & large lettering around edge with smaller writing underneath. Minor dent marks to surface. 9.5/10 NR £40-60+
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