Page 16 - the Alan Blakeman Catalogue
P. 16

 23. DIAMOND REGISTRY MARKED COTTAGE INK. 2ins tall. Aqua glass, sheared lip. Detailed design of small cottage with two front windows, door to centre, rear carries two windows plus diamond registration for 1869, all very well struck. Tiled rood, barrel to one end. Base embossed REGD/ AUGUST 5/ 69. (AB Inks book p27) An absolute belter! 9/10. NR. £250-300+
24. SCHWEPPES INKWELL. 5.4 x 3.9ins base, 4ins. tall. Rectangular base
with two inset curved pen holding sections, with a square indent to
top accommodating the separate square inkwell & hinged lid. All white with multicoloured images of a flat based hamilton one side & a larger champagne shape bottle to
other. Coloured crown each
side of the top well
part. (AB Inks
book p13) Exc/
A1. 9.10. NR.
Perseverance pays off. Somehow, some decades back, I heard the old New York Schweppes head office was closing down and saw an image of the Directors desk... sitting proudly upon it was the inkwell shown here.
Quick as a flash - well Air Mail letter - I was on the case. Things are never easy, but real keenos never say never... and
I persisted until result, I managed to acquire that said same inkwell, with a little money changing hands to cover costs!
Over the years I have seen a few of the top sections dug, usually missing the lid, but have never come across another such complete!
 It pays to persist - and I’ve always been a bit of a persister, lol?
  25 LLOYD GEORGE STAMP DAMPER. 3.4ins tall, shiny green glaze. Head shape
 of David Lloyd George which captures both
his sartorial dress sense - period high
wing collar - and wide open mouth
- he famed for his oratory ability. Doulton mark &
number 7758 impressed to base. (AB Inks book p38) Exc/
A1. 9.5/10.
NR. £120- 150+
In 1996 I decided UK collectors needed an up to date photographic book covering inks, a rather poor cousin to Covills hefty American volume, but, it was a start - if only to inspire new collectors. Now long since out of print but a fair few ink bottles in this auction catalogue are from that actual publication - we have given these
 a reference eg: (AB p38).
As usual little did I realise what it would all lead to and, in true BBR style, BBR magazine editor Guy Burch is currently in the throes (its been a long hard toil - well worth the wait) of concluding his enormous life time specialist work on
the subject which will usurp
all previous contenders - over 1,000+ inks!

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