Page 46 - GBC Fall 2022 Eng
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The last two years have certainly presented challenges for many course owners, but also record rounds played and earnings for many in the golf industry.
The NGCOA Canada has provided support through these unprecedented years and our members’ reaction to what we have done for them is reflected in our membership retention rate which will end the year at 99%. This is quite rare and almost unheard of for trade associations. Given that our membership is 100% voluntary, it is a remarkable achievement when put into the context that trade associations, generally, are doing very well if they attain a 90% retention rate.
On a personal note, I am pleased to say that the Prairie Chapter attained a 100% retention rate!
Retention rate speaks to the association’s value proposition, which has never been stronger. There is truly something for every golf course and it goes well beyond the Golfmax Purchasing Program, which has a very tangible benefit and covers the cost of membership over and over again. Our basket of benefits, as our COO, Nathalie Lavallée likes to call it, is extremely diverse, ranging from purchasing, growing the game, running marketing initiatives for golf courses to grow their business, to
The Parting Shot
Strength in Numbers
NGCOA Canada achieves 99% membership retention rate
46 Golf Business Canada
advocating on their behalf and so much more. Advocacy work, in particular, most recently during the pandemic, had a significant impact on opening up our industry.
This year, the association hit the highest total membership number we have ever had, and it continues to grow. Budget targets have also been exceeded, which was not an easy feat, given the adjustments that had to be made to many of our events to accommodate the various restrictions across the country.
By now, you will have received your membership renewal. Thank you for your continued support and let me encourage you to renew your membership, if you have not already done so. The more courses – the stronger the voice we have on all issues facing the golf industry.
The 2021 Virtual Golf Business Canada Conference & Trade Show was a success, but we are thrilled to be returning to an in-person conferenceforthefirsttimeintwo years. Delegate surveys after the
2021 event confirmed that most of the respondents are looking forward to going back to in-person events and are enthusiastic about attending. The 2022 conference is being held November 29- December 1 at the Sheraton Wall Center Hotel in Vancouver. Our team is working hard to create world-class education combined with outstanding experiences. I invite everyone to join me in Vancouver this fall.
Until then, it is my hope that our industry will complete a successful golf season across the country.
Harry Brotchie, Owner
Lakeland Golf Management Inc., MB
Message From The NGCOA Canada President • Harry Brotchie