Page 39 - GBC Spring 2020 ENG
P. 39

 Because More women playing golf = an economic opportunity for the
golf industry. Women represent 50% of the population but are considerably underrepresented in golf participation. Women have significant and growing influence over spending in their households and with their peer groups through social media sharing. Today, marketing to women is a major business imperative across all sectors. According to several recent consumer research studies by EY and Boston Consulting Group, women will:
• Control 75% of discretionary spending by 2028.
• Influence 91% of all home purchases.
• Inherit 70% of the Great Wealth Transfer over the next few decades
• Possess 2/3 of the nation’s wealth in the US by 2030.
The case for caring about women in the golf industry is presented in a compelling report published by Syngenta (The Global Economic Value of Increased Female Participation in Golf, 2016, download at www.growinggolf. com), which provides an in depth look at what women want and need in order to convert to golf. It reveals a global latent demand of 36.9 million women who have indi-
wor th it! How to connect with women and unlock a $1.3 billion opportunity in Canada
Golf Business Canada 39

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