Page 15 - GBC spring 2015
P. 15

tremendous value. Make sure to train your staff to listen and make sure they are entering the information in your CRM system.
In addition, you must be visible. Get out of your office or from behind the service counter. Make time every day to walk through your club. Go to the driving range and talk with your clients and staff. Spend 20 minutes at the first tee and engage with your golfers. Let them know what’s going on (events/renovations/ staff changes). Look at their equipment and get feedback. Do they know that your team offers a personalized fitting service? Work with your vendors and offer complimentary items on certain days and times to fill in difficult to sell tee time inventories. Once again, thank them for supporting your club.
An industry veteran that loves to play offence is Raffaele Occhiuzzi, Clubhouse Manager at Barrie Country Club. “You must be present and accessible. Instilling a welcoming atmosphere for your guests and your team is key to the success of your entire operation.”
His favourite six words when a guest or a member shares a challenge are: “How can I make this better?”
His members and staff learned that he will not only listen to their comments and suggestions, but he will also act on them to make things better. “If a member wants to have something, how can I make it happen while ensuring that it fits within the board’s mandates? I love that type of challenge!” He goes on to say that; “Once you do fix the situation, you have to share the solution with the rest of your team. Communication will make you or break you in the service industry.”
That is exactly the type of face- to-face interaction that is required to build trust and grow the relationship with your golfers. Your clients need to know who you are, that you are approachable and that you are there to serve them. Relationships are made with people not golf clubs.
The reality is that no one gets a perfect score all the time. Holding weekly team meetings gives you an opportunity to get your team to share their experiences and how they handled those situations.
Add an open forum item to your agenda and never skip it during your meetings no matter how pressed you are for time. This will show your team the importance and value you place on customer service, in not only a specific department, but at your entire property.
Use these opportunities to educate your team and learn how they think and if your training is working. The more your team shares and that you are positive in your feedback, the more your team will respect, accept and “live” your customer-obsessed culture. Your
Golf Business Canada 15

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