Page 22 - GBC spring 2015
P. 22

Step 5: the Right pRoMotionS!
Promotions work! Buy one get one free, or bundling items simply works. They provide great margins and increase your cheque size. Share of wallet and increasing cheque size is a term all retailers concern themselves with every day.
Effective display units for specific brands and promotions are often available to increase sales and profits, while minimizing counter space.
Great examples of promotions are buy one, get one free; buy two items for a hot price; or even consumer promotions to win trips and potentially cash that drives consumers to a website to win! Promotions typically are one month in duration; any longer they will lose their appeal.
Step 6: the Right SeRvice! think auguSta!
I am still in awe of when I went to Augusta a few years ago. I treated my father for his 75th birthday to watch The Masters...what a treat and a privilege! Obviously, the course and grounds are something special.
Bobby Jones wanted to provide the ultimate player and spectator experience. From the beginning they
“Once I purchased
that awesome sandwich and beverage, I then went on to purchase everything with a Masters logo I could find.“
called their customers “patrons.” They were not merely dollar signs, they wanted to ensure that each patron got great value for their money and had the ultimate expe- rience. In fact, today we can purchase a staple product combo – a Masters Palmetto sandwich and a beverage for under $5. Wow, what a deal! Once I purchased that awesome sandwich and beverage, I then went on to purchase every- thing with a Masters logo I could find. Okay...I am a crazy shopper at times, but the bottom line was that I felt that I was treated royally and got great value for my money.
Why not do the same thing for your patrons? Give them great deals, make sure they have great value, treat them well and they will respond with their pocketbooks!
Step 7: fRont of StoRe... Back of StoRe!
This step is crucial for success in our business. The back of the store starts with making sure that your staff is well trained, your location is spotless (bathrooms especially), and that you have the right prod- ucts at the right price in the best location possible.
The front of the store is all about smiling and making your pa- trons feel special. Try to have your staff remember the names of the patrons and greet them with a spe- cial hello.
At my club they go out of their way to know my name, say hello and ask about my game. They seem interested when I tell them about the putt I missed, or the great iron shot I hit. In short, I have a relation- ship with them and it’s fun to play there.Thinkfrontofstore...backof will work for you and your patrons!
a SucceSSful SeaSon
Spring is just around the corner and I am counting the days until I can dust off the clubs and hit the links. I am also training for next year and I can visualize my best golf year yet. You should be doing the same.
April is The Masters time and golfers are ready to go. Now is the time to train and understand what the best products, price, promotion and distribution channels are for your business. Follow these 7 steps and you will have a successful selling season!
Golf Business Canada
Golf Business Canada

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