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With Ali Akbar Group as an EnMass Energy partner, we
are utilizing a living and evolving sourcing algorithm that identifies the best sources and timing for the biomass delivery within the 850 markets
EnMass Energy analysts are developing a proprietary in-house computer model for the biomass feed stock supply chain in Punjab, which will control for weather and climate change variables.
With this software, EnMassEnergy controls the development and operation of the supply chain, including sustained communication with farmers and their respective collection points.
Optimized biomass collection points taking into consideration, climate seasonality and other factors.
    By applying a machine-learning approach to a supply chain model based on specific harvest periods and agricultural yields, EnMass is creating software that can be used in future applications and other regional biomass supply chains.
                                It should be noted that there are aspects of various computer models that are already in operation that will be useful for our project applications. However, many of the current models do not take into account the constraints that exist in developing countries such as lack of adequate transportation, infrastructure or efficient regional markets for biomass feedstocks.
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Public Relations Contact | Cathleen Lewis Email: Phone: 310-567-2238

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