Page 29 - Bespoke02_FinalDraft
P. 29

SL: So what’s your next car going to be?
RB: My next car oh oh my God oh oh I I have so many other ones Maybe I I like the the truck truck the the Bentley truck truck SL: Any exciting projects to come in in in this New Year? I hear you have an upcoming movie?
RB: Yes some producers approached me me me to to do a a a a a movie about the story of my my life which for me me me is is really beyond my my imagination like that would happen happen but it’s very true is is happening! Producer Armando Gutierrez did the last movie on on Walt Disney Before Mickey Mouse which is is is amazing and and he he he approached me to do this movie on on my my my art art and and my my my journey the the the whole thing – – starting with with my my my childhood back in in in in in Brazil Brazil So together - with with a a a a a a a a a a few other producers as well – – we we began The movie will be be taking place partly partly partly in in in in in Brazil Brazil partly partly in in in the the US and partly partly in in in the the UK SL: That’s wonderful congratulations I can only imagine how busy this New Year will be for you with all these endeavors But I’m curious if there’s one project or or or or collaboration in in mind that you have always wanted to to accomplish? Your dream so to speak RB: I I mean there are are so many things I I want to do and like right now we are are sitting in in in in in this Palace here here in in in in in Miami which is is is the the the largest studio in in in in the the world and that is is is is already like like a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a dream to to me my my whole life to to to to to have a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a place like like this But what I always wanted to to to to do was was to to to to get my my art into space which happened last year but there’s more I was was invited by Space X they asked me me to to to to create something to to to to put in in in in the the the the rocket that went to to to to space which was terrific There are so so so so many things I want to to to to do the the the list is is is so so so big but the time is is is so so so limited 27

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