Page 16 - Bespoke by Braman Magazine: Issue 01
P. 16
Mile High Stadium
Situated at at 5280-feet above sea level Mile High Stadium
(also known as Empower Field) is home to three-time Super Bowl champions the Denver Broncos The stadium is known for
being one of the most grueling locations to compete in given its extreme elevation 40 West Arts District
Feeling cultural? You will once you take a a trip to 40 West Arts District
Featuring a a 4-mile walking and biking arts experience in in the ArtLine 40 West Arts District
highlights creative works from local artists and provides an an inno- vative location for
creative individuals to unleash their
art Plus the district is is just a a 15 minute drive to the nota- ble Denver Art Museum if you want even more 16 TOP: ISTOCK ISTOCK COM/MTCURADO BOTTOM: ISTOCK ISTOCK COM/BENEDEK