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                                                    Edition 122 – June 2024

                   Dear members,

                   As I write to you this month the General Election has been called, and after much spec-
         ulation from all quarters we now know that 4  July 2024 is Polling Day. You may have seen on
         the BPW UK Facebook page that we had hoped to host an “Ask the Candidate” event in the au-
         tumn, but with this being a snap election it will leave little time for us to do so. Therefore, at
         the Advocacy Working Group this month, we have devised a set of eight questions for you to
         be able to ask every candidate to allow you to form an idea of where you will be placed to cast
         your vote. Every election and every vote are important, but none more so than now. But I will
         leave Chris to explain these questions to you all later in the newsletter.

                   Today I am on the train from Bristol to Manchester for the NW & Midlands summer
         lunch. Thank you to Ros Horsley and PNP Helen Ashworth for the kind invitation. I will be
         joined by two other members of the FEC, VP International Lynne Robinson and VP Advocacy
         Chris Nendick and as always it will be wonderful to meet the members.

                   Preparations for the BPW International Congress 2024 are progressing well, and more
         information is being received about this triennial event. BPW UK will be represented by myself
         as President, VP International Lynne Robinson, VP Advocacy Chris Nendick, VP Media and Mar-
         keting Margo Davidson-Wood  and Area Co-ordinator for NI Ruth Galwey. If anyone would like
         to join us at Congress in November, please do get in touch and we can share our travel ar-
         rangements with you. Any member is welcome, and it is an amazing experience to be able to
         sit with members from around the world and hear all the things that BPW is doing. Over the
         coming months we will be holding zoom meetings to explain more about why the BPW Interna-
         tional Congress is such an important event for BPW UK, and the business, proposals, policies
         and activities that will be discussed and debated during the General Assembly 2024. Due to
         COVID this will be the first in person Congress since Cairo in 2017, and so we have much BPW
         business to be discussed. The BPW Green Resolution proposed by BPW Estonia, that we have
         seconded, has been supported by 14 other Federations and Clubs. We hope that when this is
         debated it will be accepted by our BPW colleagues around the world.

                   I have the privilege of being the BPW European representative on the IFBPW Resolu-
         tions committee, which is chaired by Vicky Mee, from BPW NZ. We have members from Africa,
         Canada, Asia-Pacific and Europe. Our role is to proofread the submitted resolutions, ensure the
         language and structure of the resolution is correct, and that no other country has submitted a
         similar resolution. We also check them against previously approved resolutions, to ensure
         there is no duplication from previous General Assemblies. It may be possible to combine with
         similar resolutions that other countries have submitted or to do a “friendly amendment”. As
         this is my first time on this committee, I am looking forward to learning from Vicky who has a
         wealth of experience in this area.

                   In June I am meeting with PNP Hilarie Tucknott and PNP Sue Ashmore in Newcastle to
         look at hotels in the area for Conference 2025. We hope to bring you firmer news in the July
         issue of the Newsletter.

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