Page 3 - Pothead
P. 3

 Sandra Nelson
By last count, 306 pots and objects of art from poters in the nearby St. Croix Valley and as far away as Peru, ill my home. They adorn every nook, table, shelf, counter, wall and loor. They are a sight to behold, beauiful to look at and inviing to touch. I use most of them every day. We feast from the plates, drink tea and cofee from the cups and always have fresh lowers in a gorgeous vase. If a guest raves over a salad, I always respond, “It’s the bowl.”
I have been fortunate to meet and get to know many of the poters whose work on these pages would ill volumes. In fear of omiing a name, you know who you are. It has been a thrill to follow your journey in clay. Your work is inspiring. It is a privilege and joy to possess tangible memories of your immense talent.
The cover sculpture and creaions on these pages marked with an asterisk are mine. I lust ater everything else.

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