Page 36 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 36
Appendix 1 Some Points of Donald Usage
In most instances, Donald uses words wrongly or carelessly and
confuses their meaning. Common examples:
affect/effect Afectmeans“toproduceanefectupon”while
efect means “to bring about.”
When Donald was inally forced to acknowledge Covid-19 (a.k.a Convid-45), he tweeted, “Coronavirus has had no afect on me or my staf and never will. We get tested every hour of every day, just like anyone else who asks.”
continual/continuous Continualmeanssomething“thatoccurs very frequently” while continuous means “something that occurs without pause.”
After Donald’s visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, he tweeted, “I continuously visit our country’s GREAT Army hospital because NO ONE has ever loved our military more than TRUMP!”