Page 53 - theloveofteamag 1
P. 53

As a lover of tea and cocktails and hearing about somewhere in London who had tried the idea, I decided to experiment with our own
tuned the recipes and put them on the menu.
 e most popular cocktail at the mo- ment is our Shady
Lady. It started as
a cocktail of the month but proved so popular that
we put it on the regular list. With its mixture of our Shades of Grey tea with gin, which
has become hugely popular in the last few years, the  oral notes are accentu- ated with a pome- granate and rose cordial and lychee liqueur. Our cus- tomers like the bal- ance of sweetness and tartness and  nd it very refresh- ing if not a little too easy to drink.
We always use
our own loose leaf blends when mak-
ing our cocktails. We have   een blends so quite a variety to choose from.  e monthly cocktails are created by myself and Metrodeco sta .
  blends. A er a few tasting sessions with the sta , which you can im- agine went down very well, we  ne

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