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David Gibson and his family. Gibson was a land surveyor and  ed to the United States for eleven years a er the Upper Canada Rebellion.
Historical cooking is appreciated for “the imperfections” since the recipes are based on actual historical cook- books, which do not have precise measurements.
So, even though
baking is scien-
ti c, historical
baking is not
necessarily so.
Earlier recipes
used egg whites
whipped sti  to
combine with
batter to ensure
a leavened  n-
ished product.
Later on, an
early form of
baking soda,
Pearlash was
invented as a leavening agent.
 e wood/coal burning oven is not the challenge, because once stoked it maintains cooking temperatures very well.
 e authenticity of the Georgian kitchen, along with Sarah’s knowl-
edge, added to the historical experi- ence. We had a hands-on demonstra- tions with Queen Cakes, No. 104 Nice Cookies  at Will Keep Good for  ree Months, Chocolate Macaroons and Excellent Hot Tea Cakes,  nished by Sarah. Most recipes were derived by British or US sources and sometimes recopied and printed under a di er-
ent name and resold.
Toronto was a major port as part of the British colony and had the advantage of the sources
Market located at the port docks.
I was amazed at the sophistication of the recipes and the unique blends of spices and  avourings, such as rose and orange blossom waters, to impart what must of been extraordinary  a- vours in the early days of Toronto.
of spices and exotic ingredi- ents from the other colonies, if you could a ord it from St Lawrence

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