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The Music at Tippet Rise
Whether onstage, in the recording studio, or with a camera outdoors in nature, professional pianist and brilliant photographer Yevgeny Sudbin is passionate about capturing moments in time.
Devanney Haruta: Could you tell us about your collaboration with Vadim Gluzman and Johannes Moser?
Yevgeny Sudbin: We’ve known each other for
a while, but we never played together. We actually had this project in mind at least two-and-a-half years ago, but because everyone is busy, it’s really hard to find a period of time which works for everybody. This autumn was the first time we got together and played. We took three weeks to perform together, and we did a European tour, mainly in Germany, England, Switzerland, Spain . . . They are wonderful musicians, and it was really nice to collaborate together. We played almost every day for three weeks, and
then we did also a recording together at the end of the tour. So, actually, it all was quite intense. But very exciting, very exhilarating. I quite like it, because as a soloist, I have to always travel on my own, and it was refreshing to not have to be on the road by yourself all the time. It was kind of relaxing, and just more fun.
DH: How would you compare
the experiences of playing for a recording session and playing for a live concert?
YS: The performance is something that’s like life, you
can’t really get a grip on it. You can practice the piece and polish it, but when you are in the hall, when you have the atmosphere and all the people there, it just happens spontaneously. You have to know the notes, but that’s about it. I feel with recording, you can go deeper into a piece than in
a performance. The moment is captured in time as something

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