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 students. Since its founding in 1999, the Nye Community Foundation has gifted over $90,000 to community efforts, including scholarships.
The Tippet Rise Fund of the Sidney E. Frank Foundation is proud to support the Nye Volunteer Fire Department’s fire prevention and protection services. With the Fund’s support, the Department is now better equipped with a custom “wild lands fire truck” and a fire danger sign for the town. The Tippet Rise Fund also purchased equipment and tooling
for an off-road tanker truck for the Department and helped to expand community outreach programs
for fire-prevention education, such as fuel mitigation around homes and subdivisions and maintenance
of fire extinguishers. Tippet Rise Art Center appreci- ates the hard work and time that volunteer firefighters dedicate to ensure the safety and security of the community and land near the art center and throughout the region.
The Absarokee Community Foundation takes pride
in organizing and building a stronger community within Absarokee and its surrounding communities for today and for the future. Through the ACF’s efforts, the Tippet Rise Fund of the Sidney E. Frank Foundation supports local community initiatives for educational, environmental, and social services. Local nonprof-
it organizations supported by ACF with the help of funders like Tippet Rise Fund include the Absarokee PTA, Husky Wilderness Adventures, Operation Second Chance, Emergency Medical Services, the Absarokee Senior Center, and the Stillwater Valley
Watershed Council.
A new program offered in partnership with the Yellowstone Bighorn Research Association invites guests to explore the geologic wonders of Tippet Rise. Founded at the foot of the Beartooth Mountains by the Princeton Geological Association in 1936, YBRA is dedicated to research and teaching in the field. Over four Thursdays in the summer of 2018, the association’s distinguished faculty will lead tours of the art center’s geologic “hot spots.”
The Tippet Rise Fund of the Sidney E. Frank Foundation has been proud to support the Absarokee Volunteer Fire Department’s mission to protect and preserve the lives and property of Absarokee area residents. Because the Fund cares about the safety and efficacy of the dedicated Absarokee Volunteer Fire Department volunteers, the Fund has provided support for updating uniforms as well as purchasing new helmets and a thermal imaging camera. The Tippet Rise Fund also pur- chased new dry suits for swift water rescue, and it supports the Department’s efforts to provide fire safety and prevention education in the local schools.
It is a joy to share a love for music with our region’s young people. The Tippet Rise Fund of the
Sidney E. Frank Foundation helped support the Nye Elementary music program and also assisted in purchasing equipment for the Absarokee Public Schools’ music departments, including keyboards, MIDI controllers, and orchestral string instruments.
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