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The Team at Tippet Rise
Lindsey Hinmon
sculptures. When he isn’t orchestrating Tippet Rise’s many facets, Pete enjoys life with Lindsey and their baby girl, all the better if it’s outside beneath Montana’s big, beautiful sky.
Director of Outreach and Logistics
Lindsey assists in leading Tippet Rise, alongside her husband, Pete. She keeps the art center’s logistics humming smoothly, oversees public relations, and
is instrumental to our planning and development. Lindsey coordinates with artists, architects, musicians, community members, and educators, from kindergar- ten teachers to university deans, as well as leaders from regional and national cultural institutions, welcoming everyone into the Tippet Rise family. In short, Lindsey helps to bring the Tippet Rise vision of nature, music, and art intertwined to full, blooming life—an experience she hopes to share with her Montana friends and people from all over the world. She and Pete live in Red Lodge with their baby girl.
Ben Wynthein
Pete Hinmon
Ben oversees ranching operations at Tippet Rise.
From May to mid-November, this work includes grazing oversight of 200 to 300 calf-cow pairs, 100 to 120 heifers, and 2,000 to 2,600 head of sheep. He works year-round to improve the art center’s rangeland health as well as its water use and conservation practices. Through these efforts, Ben endeavors to make Tippet Rise an increasingly healthy and viable ranchland, wildlife habitat, and treasured piece of the Montana landscape. In the process, he hopes the art center’s guests can enjoy and experience Montana’s rich ranching heritage. For the past eleven years, Ben
has lived with his family on or next to what is now Tippet Rise.
Director of Operations
A lifelong pursuit of adventure in the mountains led Pete to Tippet Rise, where he draws on his experiences to make the organization’s vision a reality. Intrigued by the exploration of art and nature, Pete’s role at Tippet Rise is an adventure in itself. Often working in tandem with his wife, Lindsey, Pete provides team leadership; oversees the art center’s operations, planning, and development; and coordinates the installation of its
Ranch Manager
  The Tippet Rise Team

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