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P. 306

 If Design Govern
When I commit an essay to the abyss of publication, I usually abandon hope. But when I send text to Craig White, I know he will take its heavy blockish overcoat and turn it into a butterfly, interweaving it with fonts and photos and well-tuned borders until it floats enticingly above its heavy skeleton.
The Vail Valley was fortunate to have his sense of taste and eye for beauty during its long gestation from a ski resort to a cultural center, and now Tippet Rise is the benficiary of his energy, focus, expertise, and modesty.
Craig is the ultimate team player for our family;
calm and unassuming, he can always be counted
on to defuse the rigors of deadlines and overwhelming schedules with his humor, steadiness, and indefatigable good nature.
His mark is on our maps, brochures, ads, art guides, summer programs, and books such as A Winter Ride, where his sense of texture, lightness, grain, paper, and the role of both design and photographs in the narration of a Montana winter have created an ideal balance between the intensity of the language and the elegance of the page itself.
Coleridge felt that a poem should “surview" its contents, that its surface should be a portal into its less apparent depths: the cupboard into the kingdom of Narnia. Craig provides that window.
—Peter Halstead 306 The Team at Tippet Rise

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