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 Welcome to Tippet Rise from Cathy and Peter Halstead
 We were raised in New England, with its smattering of Thoreau, Whitman, and Transcendentalism,
its upstanding small clapboard communities with their church spires lending a sense of honesty and devotion to the Currier & Ives winterscape.
In Montana we share a great affinity with the values of our Puritan ancestors. We have the gift of the land, with the sense of awe and humility it inspires in all
of us. There is nothing finer than a day spent in hard work on the land, chopping wood, shoveling snow,
driving a tractor, or tending cattle, to return to the delights of family and hearth. Throw in a few good books and a poem before bedtime, and you have the essence of a life well spent.
In Montana we are lucky to be far away from the noise and distractions which intrude on this bucolic American dream. Our cities are just the right size, and always close to the outdoors. We are free to pursue the Teddy Roosevelt concept of rugged individualism, life at our own pace, in our own time, with plenty of nature around.
6 About Tippet Rise

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